the main household!

name: Starrie
age: unknown, although he’s definitely an adult
species: clown/ humanoid
gender: male
pronouns: he/him (although he doesn’t mind it/its either)
height: 6’5 (7’6 in his attack form!)
s/o: Fever
Starrie is one of the natives of Mushrot who are able to attack and kill people when needed, and can banish them to personalized torturous pocket dimensions. Starrie’s torture dimensions are basically how christians depict hell- fire and endless pain while being unable to die (you’re sent to your own copy of it and you’ll be alone but dw he only sends like awful manipulators or abusers or r@pists or murderers or pedos etc.)his attack form is very cool lol his skin is like pitch black and very rough, like sandpaper, his claws become very sharp, he goes from 6’5 to 7’6, his hair flattens and the color darkens and the rainbow parts are no longer there, his eyes fade to red, he grows massive horns, his usual clown nose fades to just a patch of skin with nostrils, and since his skin is pitch black, his body scars stand out more. he also grows a tail that looks like a typical demon tail. he has no need for clothes because his body becomes a blank canvas (yes that means attack form has no peepee or butthole). in this form, he gains unnatural strength and his mouth oozes with an acidic, gooey black substance and his teeth become even more long and sharp. basically don’t fuck with Starrie or any of his friends. and also to any simps, this form is nothing but danger lol if u find him attractive in attack form still don’t try to interact with that bc it’s rlly dangerous, just wait until he calms downfrom his elbows down, his arms have slightly more tough skin, and he has claws (not so sharp he can’t touch things but they do have points so if he hit something rlly hard with it or clawed rlly hard he could probably do serious damage with it) which are very solid. he puts nail polish on them, hence them being rainbow.he tends to act pretty odd and he has the ability to climb on walls and ceilings. he can contort his body in unnatural ways. he also has the ability to grow an extra set of arms. sometimes his eyes glow red, like when he gets pissed off, when he’s about to go into attack form, when he’s super excited, and sometimes when he’s hornyhe can act pretty childish at times and he makes me think of Sundrop from fnaf or GIR from invader zim lolhe can speak english, french, russian, italian, spanish, portuguese, chinese, korean, japanese, and vietnamese but he has no idea why he knows so many languages lmaou think murdocs tongue is long u should see Starrie’s lmao he has long long tongue, like when he stands normally it can reach down to his belly button, and it’s lime green

name: Void
age: 25
species: tv-head
gender: non-binary
pronouns: they/them
height: 5’9 (not including antennae)
Void is very responsible and dependable. they’re someone you can absolutely count on. they have a natural caregiver complex and love to help and take care of people. actually that’s how they got close to Fever lol once they found out he’s a regressor they just wanted to be there for him.they like to roller skate and have a room in their house that’s essentially a big empty ballroom just for that purpose. Fever often joins them and, even tho he can barely keep from falling on his ass, Starrie sometimes joins. the others also enjoy it but it’s mainly those three or just Void.they love 80’s to 90’s fashion!they have a game boy they play onthe caution tape around their screen is an accessory they like but they can take it offthey are the one that created their house and the pocket dimension it sits in and therefore can generate new rooms and structures at willtheir voice sounds grainy like it was recorded on a shit microphone from the 40’s and their screen can change depending on their moodtheir screen is solid when touched but they have the ability to put things like food and beverages into it. the glass acts like some sort of portal, although when food is put inside it just acts as a mouth

name: Luna
age: 20
species: alien from our dimension (she came to earth and then got sent to the backrooms and then to Mushrot)
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
height: 5’6
s/o: Jello
she’s very chill and will often be very calm, yet she’s not weak in any way. she might not be the strongest one there but she’s still incredibly strong.after all, she’s literally a space alien lmao

self insert!
name: Fever
age: 20
species: zombie/ clown/ imp
gender: yes
pronouns: any
height: 5’3
s/o: Starrie
she died in the backrooms but came back to life as a form of zombie Mushrian (Void found her in the backrooms and took her to their house)when happy, comfy, excited, etc. sometimes he emits a purr like a cat. his tail can also sway like a happy dog or tuck down when he’s scared or upset. he also sometimes holds onto it and fidgets with it when he’s anxious sometimesthey’re very goofy and fun and love to spend time with their friends and starrie. they’re very close with Void and they see them as a caring, protective figure.she loves starrie very much!!she does have problems with self harm and anorexia, but she’s gotten a lot better with it! yeah, she still has bad days, but she manages to keep it pretty much managed!when regressed, they get even more bubbly and just want to cling to someone. usually either starrie or void. they’re always either super happy and hyper or super sleepy (aside from, of course, the unhappy part of regression where they’re upset)!he has bright pink star birthmarks on his upper thighs!

click the image for the picrew i used to make it!
name: Spark
age: 21
species: glitch
gender: demigirl
pronouns: she/they
height: 5’10
s/o: Angelica
her voice sounds like it’s straight up from an old arcade game and she appears blurry and staticky and glitchyshes very horny 💀Void met her at the weird Mushrot arcade and they immediately became friends, and Spark moved in shortly afterwards.

name: Puddle
age: 19
species: humanoid animal/ clown
gender: demiboy
pronouns: they/he
height: 6’0
his whole personality is a walking meme dudehe’s super funky and likes to laugh and joke when they’re scared or upset to maybe feel less scared or upsetthey like bands like Crystal Castles but also bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit, and they’re a huge System of a Down fan

name: Jello
age: 21
species: humanoid
gender: nonbinary
pronouns: they/them
height: 5’0
s/o: Luna
they are an absolute gremlinthey were definitely the kid growing up who had to be on the backpack leashthey are in love with Luna and Luna is in love with them

name: Angelica
age: older than time itself
species: angel
gender: unknown, but she’s comfortable with feminine terms
pronouns: she/they/it, but mainly she/her
height: 5’11
s/o: Spark
she’s incredibly chill and calm and sweet and finds comfort in clouds. she likes to meditate and read and write and knit.she’s incredibly mature and also very powerful. she’s someone people look up to.she never minds being a caregiver-type figure towards those who are regressed.

name: Moss
age: 24
species: humanoid animal
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
height: 6’4
Moss was a Mushrot native looking for a place to go and Void immediately liked her and took her under their wingshe’s super shy and has bad social anxietyshe like dolls and tea parties and enjoys readingshe throws tea parties pretty often and they’re always complete with freshly baked sweets from Moss herself

name: Sleepy
age: unknown, although he is an adult
species: robot/ clown
gender: he has none. he’s a robot. but he’s comfortable with masculine terms
pronouns: he/him (but he’s okay with they/them or it/its)
height: 5’9
Sleepy is a robot that has the capability of feeling emotions. he has full sentience. he’s incredibly high tech- like M3GAN but less evil, or like a FNaF Security Breach character but less night, he plugs himself into the wall and rests on the bed to “sleep” while he recharges.he cares very deeply about the others and he’d do anything for them.

name: Boo Hoo (but the others just call him Boo)
age: 23
species: sad clown
gender: male
pronouns: he/him
height: 5’7
Boo seems relatively gloomy most of the time, but he can still enjoy life. he’s still a pleasure to be around and his friends love him very dearly! they don’t mind it all he wants to do one day is lay in bed and do nothing.

name: Mazy
age: 21
species: mime
gender: no
pronouns: they/them
height: 5’5
Mazy communicates only through sign language or charades- they’re completely mute, like a lot of mimes. they love old films and going to thrift shops!